Online 5 hours ago
Member since 2020-06-05
44 sequences
6 playlists
125,563 plays
Hello, I'm Legendary (Formerly known as Legendary Remixer); I'm queer, autistic, "gifted" (that term is so *****ing stupid) and a bit of a dumbass. This is for all types of music, I recommend to check out my newer stuff and not my old.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/l3gendary (for everything i do not make in os)
Newgrounds: https://l3gendar7.newgrounds.com (for music and cover art)
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendary_os (for streaming making songs)
PM me on Forums, I am willing to take collaboration opportunities.

OS Tools: https://tiusic.com/index.html (not made by me)

This one mf dissed me:

i created the arp at the beginning with sitar